About Us

When I was a little girl, my mom would place me in the back seat of her red Mercury automobile that as a kid looked like the bat mobile. Valuing education, she armed me with my favorite Dr. Seuss books, pencil, paper, coloring books and Crayola crayons. These were my creative and learning tools. I was never much for coloring but I loved to draw.

From the back seat of that red Mercury, I watched as mom took dinner she prepared to an elderly woman who lived by herself in an old house with a potbelly cast-iron stove. I watched as she visited a teen mother and to arm her with wisdom and resources to become a great mom. At mom’s Homegoing service in Georgia, this mom spoke. She witnessed how being shown how to be a great mom is why her daughter is a lawyer today.

By setting the example, mom taught me to be compassionate, fierce, giving and how to uplift mankind. Heroes R Forever is in every sense her legacy. I can still hear her say, “treat people how you want to be treated”.

There is also another strong woman in my life who set a great and caring role model.  She is my elder sister, Marion Young-Bush.  She is definitely responsible for my sense of style, grace, finesse and even my speech.  As a kid, I was always teased for speaking “proper” English.  Marion, a model and businesswoman, made sure my clothing primarily consisted of designer labels.  My clothes were never a problem.  At the time, I had no idea how good I had it.  I was an honor roll student and gave my best in everything.  This did not stop kids from calling me Black Knight, because I was dark complected.  Keeping my head held high and continuing to excel was my weapon.  Knowing who I belonged to and my creator.  I was forever protected.  Today, youth commit suicide over such while all power still remains in His hands.

Here at Heroes R Forever, we are a movement of dedicated and focused individuals excited to mentor youth, uplift someone’s life and serve the community.  We are the New Intervention Specialists.  We have a collective bank of wisdom and life experiences, personal and business.  We couldn’t stand by and wait on the money for funding while youth are literally dying.

There are thousands of youth in your area in need of your gifts, talents, kindness, care, wisdom, and experiences.  Just 2 hours a week makes a great impact.  The time to move is NOWEVERYONE NEEDS A HERO IN THEIR LIFE. 

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*registered 501(c)3 82-5498575