HRF is an acronym for Heroes R Forever.  Heroes R Forever is a youth leadership development organization dedicated to community service. 

All volunteers must submit a signed release form before participating in any activity affiliated with HRF.  This release form covers all activities related to HRF or any of its divisions.


                I promise to follow the HRF mission to help, uplift and encourage others in a positive manner to the best of my abilities.

                I  promise at all times during my volunteer work with and on behalf of HRF, that I will conduct myself in such a manner as not to reflect unfavorably on or in any way diminish the mission or reputation of HRF.


HRF reserves the right to revoke and terminate a volunteer or representative affiliation with HRF for behavior deemed unfavorable to the mission of HRF.

                I give my consent and permission for HRF, its representatives, affiliates, successors, licensors and assign the irrevocable right to use, for any lawful purpose whatsoever and without compensation any photographs, videotapes, and audio tapes, or other recording(s) of me that are made during the course of my volunteering with and on behalf of HRF.

                I assume all risk associated with my participation in and on behalf of HRF functions, activities and events.  I understand that the nature of the volunteer activities I perform in my capacity as a volunteer/representative of HRF may involve physical activity, contact with unidentified or unfamiliar person(s) or other potential risk of bodily injury or damage to property and I hereby voluntarily assume full and complete responsibility for and the risk of any injury or accident which may occur.

                This Promise, Release and Waiver shall be construed under the laws of the state in which HRF affiliate is located.  In the event any provision of this Promise, Release and Waiver is deemed unenforceable by law.  HRF shall have the right to modify such provision to the extent necessary to be deemed enforceable and all other provision shall remain in full force and effect.

                In consideration for the ability to be a volunteer/representative of HRF, I understand that I have given up substantial rights by signing this Promise, Release and Waiver.  I acknowledge that I have read and signed it freely and voluntarily without any inducement, assurance or guarantee being made to me and intend for my signature to be a complete and unconditional Release of liability to the greatest extent allowed by law.

                Heroes R Forever Inc. (HRF) has authorization to test and release educational results.